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This year is almost over - thank god.

Writer's picture: Plastic PilchardPlastic Pilchard

I'm sitting at my desk in my office (spare room) and my back is in agony. I hate working from home, I don't know why but it just kills my back. I've got a proper office chair and make sure I get up and down every hour, but today I had to have the TENS machine on my back and buttocks for about two hours. Now my arse is just throbbing.

I've just been out for an evening walk around the estate. Some people really have gone all out with their outdoor lights this year, it really does warm the heart to see all of the fairy lights. Of course some of there are at bit 'Blackpool Illuminations' and flash so much that I'd be worried walking past them if I was epileptic, but the warm twinkly light are lovely and bring a smile to my face.

I've been bingeing on Adam Buxton podcasts on my walks. I listened to the one with Blindboy on Saturday and thoroughly enjoyed it. His accent sounds so made up though.

I've been doing some really interesting SkillShare classed with an illustrator called Tom Froese. I'm halfway through a long-winded project where you have to draw 4 spot illustrations on a theme. My theme is 'things that make going outside more enjoyable in winter'.

I finished watching The Queens Gambit last week. My god it was good, I really didn't want it to end. I loved her, the clothes, the cars, the sets, just a joy to watch. I'm now watching The Undoing which I'm enjoying but Nicole Kidman has had so much work done that her face hardly moves. She looks about 20, it's weird.

Work is FINALLY calming down. I did a FOURTEEN hour day last week because Fanny was off for two weeks with Covid. I'm so ready for Christmas. Just six days in work left until we close for the holidays. Bring it on. The government is allowing people to see their families at Christmas between 23rd and 27th December, thank god. So I'm only going to work and the supermarket between now and then to lessen my chances of getting infected and passing it on to my parents. However my 79 year old dad is still going to the pub every night and not wearing a mask and probably not sanitising, so it's more likely that he's going to pass it on to me.

Infection rates are currently on the way down everywhere in the UK apart from Wales at the moment. Eight Welsh local authority areas reported Covid rates of more than 400 cases per 100,000 people. In contrast, the current England average stands at 150.1 per 100,000. FFS, so there may be another lockdown on the way. It makes no odds to me as I don't intend going anywhere apart from work and out for walks.

The Pfizer vaccine was rolled out in the UK yesterday (December 8th). The first woman to be vaccinated was called Margaret Keenan, the second was called William Shakespeare from Warwickshire, you couldn't make it up. Today warnings were issued that people who have severe allergic reactions shouldn't take the vaccine as two NHS staff had allergic reactions to it. They advised that if you need to carry an epi-pen for any reason then the vaccine is not suitable. Hopefully one of the other vaccines will be suitable for those people.

It's my friend Sarah's daughters 18th birthday in a few days. God knows what she's going to do to celebrate. We aren't allowed to meet people in our homes and the pubs are open but aren't allowed to sell alcohol. It's just crazy. I'm really hoping the government let the army take charge of dealing with the mass vaccinations and don't hire bloody Serco. There's a glimmer of hope that we may have a little bit or normality by next Summer. I still can't see festivals happening though.

Okay, I'm going to have to move as my back is throbbing. I might be back before Christmas, but I've got presents to wrap and the quiz to finish so I may run out of time. We'll see.

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