Glastonbury Festival got cancelled today. We knew it would but having it finally confirmed really makes us all realise just how long this virus is going to be hanging around for. Eurovision also got cancelled but we were bound to get nil points now that everybody hates us after the Brexit balls up!
It was also announced to today that schools would be closing on Friday. All exams have been cancelled and students will receive a grading based on their course work instead. I bet there are some elated teenagers out there.
The roads were a little quieter again today. Still plenty cars on the road but the traffic was free-flowing. I'm expecting a dramatic reduction in traffic when the schools close.
Work was super busy again. Lovely Kevin came to finally fix our franking machine. Still lots of new instructions, but also another couple of cancellations. Two of the girls in work are saying that they REALLY don't want to work from home. I don't get it. I'd happily stay at home for the whole 3 months. Ideally I'd like to NOT work at all, but I can't really quit my job in the current climate.
My friend's son is currently training to be a pilot. His instructor told him to make sure that he doesn't catch the virus as if he ends up with scarring on his lungs he'll never pass the medical to become a pilot. Worrying!
Talking of planes, my sister's guided tour of India has been cut short. All tourist destinations are now closed. So they have had to skip Varanasi and have been deposited back in New Delhi. My Dad managed to rearrange her flight from Sunday to Friday she doesn't have to kill time in New Delhi for too long. Just hoping she doesn't have to face two weeks in quarantine upon her return.
People keep messaging me and telling me that they are getting really scared about this virus now. I keep telling them not to be scared, just to take the necessary precautions and keep calm. I'm a pragmatist but I have found myself getting quite teary. I've probably had a mini cry 5 or 6 times today. Sometimes it's because of something lovely I've heard on the radio or read on Twitter, sometimes it's because of the sad news of more and more deaths and sometimes it's just thinking about how many businesses, livelihoods and lives are going to be ruined by this.
I think that this virus is bringing out the best and the worst of people. So many people are being selfish in hoarding more food than they will ever need and leaving nothing on the shelves for others and then there are people sharing what little they have (or the last bag of pasta in the shop) with people that have less than them. I'm definitely going to draw up a plan this weekend of how I can help those that are struggling over the next few months. I've already offered to send a food parcel down to my friend in Devon.
People are setting up funds to support self employed people, small business owners and people that work in the arts, festival and gig business. With the cancellation of festivals loads of bands, festival worker and promoters are going to be struggling. I hope the government steps up and helps these people.
The bloody billionaires and millionaires need to lend a hand to. There was a fantastic rumour circulating saying “Cristiano Ronaldo’s @PestanaCR7 hotels will become hospitals next week, where patients in Portugal will be treated free of charge. He will pay all medical staff. #COVID19. What a man.” However, this turned out to be false. Shame!